I hear this a lot from clients… “I’m just not quite clear about whether I should A or B”.
Let’s get clear about clarity – Clarity comes from taking action.
We can do all the exercises and go through all the tools, but until you start taking action there’s no way to know whether A or B is your best option.
This means getting out there and sharing your message by telling people what you do and working with some clients. Imperfectly – before you’re 100% certain.
It’s completely normal to feel some level of uncertainty when you’re first starting or trying something new. Success comes from taking action in the midst of that uncertainty.
Here are some ways to help you take action in the face of uncertainty.
- Talk with people
You will gain clarity simply by talking with people. When you network, when you share with family and friends, share with them who it is that you want to serve and how you can help them. Then watch their body language and listen to the words they say. If you get a, “Oh, that’s nice.” You’re in the friend zone. The other person did not feel a connection with what you said.
The important thing to note here, is that this is not BAD. This is information that tells you something about the action you took. If you get caught up in how you ‘feel’ about the situation, you’re in a downward spiral. If you can look at it as information gathering, then you can simply tweak your words a little and try again to see if the new way you’re saying it works better.
And it doesn’t stop with your message. Everything you do can be tested in a conversation with real people. The more you learn to ask questions, get curious, and test ideas with people, the faster you will start to see results in your business.
- Seek beta clients
Beta clients are kind of like your test clients. They answer questions like, What else can I add to my offer? How can I make this better? Your beta clients are gold when it comes to this. Many people try and skip this because they want to go straight to profit. But it is such an important piece around getting clarity on what your offer should include. You have to take that first step out there and be willing to try out some new methodologies and ask people to test those out so you can make sure that when you launch your fully paid program it gives you clarity around what they need.
- Do Your Research
Research what’s being offered in the marketplace. Where are the gaps in what’s currently being offered? What are people saying what are they looking for? Doing your research around your topic of interest is going to provide clarity. It’s not about what’s up in your head. It’s about what’s needed in the market space. One of the biggest struggles that I see for newer entrepreneurs is they want to teach but the things that they want to share may not be what other people are looking for. Market research will get you clarity around what it is that people want to buy.
- Know what’s appropriate for your stage of business
There are so many shiny objects out there. Many different things that you can do and ways you can go around building your business. But if you don’t understand the fundamentals of business, if you don’t fully understand where you are and where it is that you’re headed, you’re not going to have clarity around the steps you need to take to get you where you want to go.
I do have a 5th step to building clarity; we’re going to be going through each step at the Spark Your Success event, a one-day event geared towards helping you get your business off the ground, taking your business to the next level, and serving at your highest level.